Saturday, November 13, 2010

Today in morning it was raining, the winters are setting in, so are long murky days. My day starts early, its started becoming very cold at 6 am in mornings. Lately, I was not keeping well so I decided to take a leave of absent from my daily runs. Am still as restless as ever, trying to focus on tasks at hand.

I decided to take leave from work and came to this café I love at khan market, New Delhi, the place has a vibrant atmosphere and is flocked by tourists and locals both. Some good music and food are the indigents for a nice afternoon writing. Bored by my circle of life am looking for new and better avenues to broaden my horizons.

The smell of the fresh coffee is awakening my senses. I just asked the lady/waitress, a very warm petty girl to give me a cup of hot black coffee. People around me are busy talking, chatting in their own circle of friends. And here am sitting alone, thinking about my life and friends. Strangely I feel more and more restless as days are passing. Am like a bird in a cage, who’s wings have been cut and looks at the sky, desperate to be free. But freedom is not in the destiny. This is life chaotic, sad ………

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